Our Main Obligations to You:
An instruction to carry out work, whether written or verbal, shall be taken as acceptance of these terms and conditions unless the work is the subject of another written contract, the terms of which supersede these.
Definition and basis of pricing
a) An estimate is an approximate price, calculated with reasonable care from available information, which may be given as a range or percentage variation. It constitutes an offer to do the work and we will aim to keep within the price range. Should there be unforeseeable work involved the estimate will be subject to change. An estimated price will be used where an exact price is not required or is impossible to give due to lack of information.
b) A quotation is an offer to do the work specified at the price quoted.
Once either a quotation or an estimate is accepted by the customer it is to be taken as a contract between the company and the client.
c) Schedule of work. An estimate or quotation will be cost on the schedule of work prepared from information supplied by the client. This schedule is the basis
of the contract and clients are advised to check the schedule carefully to ensure that it is what they require.
a) The price is based on normal working hours, Monday to Friday, unless otherwise stated and travel time will be included in the cost of works.
b) Prices do not include any charges made by the supply authority unless otherwise stated.
c) All possible care will be taken in carrying out the work, this will mean cleaning work space and surroundings after finish. All rubbishes left after job completion will be collected an disposed for no extra cost.
a) Unless otherwise stated in the estimate or quotation all variations in labour and/ or material costs subsequent to the date of the estimate or quotation may be passed on to the client.
b) Variations or additional work required shall be detailed by the client as early as possible. Ideally this will enable a price variation to be prepared and accepted.
Instructions for work to proceed, before such acceptance, shall be required in writing and taken to mean acceptance of charges on a time and materials basis.
Should variations be necessary and the client not available, whilst work is carried out in conjunction with other tradesmen, the work will be carried out in the manner we consider to best solve the problems and this will be chargeable unless this has been expressly forbidden by the client in writing.
a) Unless otherwise stated in the estimate or quotation, payment shall be due on receipt of invoice, which shall be submitted on completion of work.
b) Should the period of work be extended, monthly invoices for work done and materials supplied or specially ordered and held will be submitted. Payment of these shall be due on receipt of invoice.
c) Materials supplied shall remain the property of the company until paid in full.
Time of Completion
The company shall aim to carry out the work in accordance with the dates specified on the estimate or quotation, or if not dates are specified, within a reasonable period of time. However, the company cannot be held responsible for any losses, damage or increase in cost due to delays beyond the control of the company.
We undertake to carry out the work to a standard at least in accordance with such relevant regulations as are in force at the time.
The completed work will carry a 10 year guarantee against faulty workmanship. Installation materials are subject to change. For a specific material guarantee is subject and will be discussed between Ds Solar Maintenance and a client prior work carried out.
We shall not be liable for damage from external sources affecting the installation or any form of misuse.
We shall not be responsible for any losses incurred by the client using equipment before the handover on completion of work.
The implementation of this guarantee shall only be carried out by the company staff or persons instructed by the company. No responsibility is accepted for repairs or alterations effected by anybody else.
Instructions for Cancellation of a Contract or Service
Right to cancel
You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days, without giving any reason. The cancellation period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the goods.
To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us Ds Solar Maintenance. By post to 42 Albrighton Croft, Colchester, Essex, CO49RB Tel. +447311631827 or email info@dssolarmaintenance.co.uk, of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or email, details below). To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your wish to cancel the contract before the end of the cancellation period.