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Solar Cleaning

NO Mess

Increased Efficiency 


Ds Solar Maintenance been providing solar panel cleaning service in Easy Anglia over a decade 

If you own or maintain solar panels it’s important to keep them at their peak to see as much return on your investment as possible.

Solar panels work by allowing light into the solar cells – the more light that hits the panels, the more electricity they produce. Due to the upward angle of the panels, dust, dirt and bird droppings can build up over time, especially during and after long dry periods.

Our Solar Panel cleaning services are able to clean your solar panels safely. A full safety measures will be conducted on site taking into account any areas of risk, such as fragile parts of the roof (skylights etc.), and our solutions will always recommend that the work be carried out in the safest and most cost effective way possible.

We will always work around you to ensure minimum disruption to the day to day running of your home or commercial premises during our solar panel cleaning.

We cover  Essex, London, West Sussex, East Sussex, Kent, Surrey, Hertford, Suffolk, Norfolk, Colchester areas.

We have our
Own Access Equipment witch does NOT require expensive scaffolding!

Why need cleaning ?

Dust causes regular problems beyond the build-up of grime over the years. But your exact location also plays a big role in how much this can affect your system, and what triggers it.

A bit of dust might not have an effect, because light can still get through. But there are recommendations that you let nature take its course, as rain will accomplish most of the task of solar panels cleaning.

A test done by one company found the amount the efficiency is lowered is minute – maybe 5 per cent or less. And, with a typical 5 kW system, this might equate to about £20 of loss in your energy bill. Another company found that a thorough clean made the panels 3.5 per pence more efficient.

And if this isn’t enough evidence for you, clean technology website – CleanTechnica – reported an analysis by the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) that showed a potential 30 per cent energy yield loss per year, if they are not cleaned monthly.

Beyond this, though, it’s important to remember that leaves also block light.
Special attention should be given to PV arrays situated in dustier areas if they are near farmland, somewhere where are more trees, park, forest or next to a main road. These arrays have far more dust and dirt to contend with and will require a more frequent clean.


Soft Panel Wash

Rotating-Brush & Water

Soft Panel Wash

At DS SOALR MAINTENANCE One of the techniques we use to wash Solar panels is called soft was. Because you don’t want to scratch your system in any way, it’s best to use just water and a non-abrasive sponge or soft brush and apply a mild detergent combined with white vinegar.

Rinse everything with clean running water.

Rotating-Brush & Water

If you Panels need need some extra help we tent to rely on deionized water and a rotating-brush system to wash solar panels. This is the best way to leave the solar panels with a spot-free shine that’s as beautiful as the first day they were installed.

Contact us to get Free Quote 

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